South Africa : Safety by City
South Africa - safety as a countryDurban, nicknamed Durbs, are the third-most populous city in South Africa after Johannesburg and Cape Town and the largest city in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban forms part of the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, which includes neighboring towns and has a population of about 3.44 million, making the combined municipality one of the largest cities on the Indian Ocean coast of the African continent.
Warnings & Dangers in Durban

There are many risks and dangers in the city, so when traveling, it is better to know which areas to avoid and where it is better not to appear at all. It is good to have a local guide in Durban.

Public transport is not safe, especially in the evening. Watch your pockets on buses. Use only licensed taxi services and make sure the driver turns on the taximeter.

Pickpocketing is common in Durban, especially in outlying areas and on public transport. Do not carry a lot of cash and expensive things with you. Keep your documents in the hotel safe.

Durban is at risk of tsunami and flooding from the Indian Ocean. Study the weather conditions before your visit here.

There is a risk of armed attacks or kidnapping in Durban, and the common goal of robbers is to get your money and valuables. Therefore, if you are attacked, give the robbers what they ask of you to save your life. Attacks and kidnappings can take place in districts of the city center. Avoid places like this. Travel in a group at night, don't be alone. Use a taxi to return to your hotel.

There is a risk of terrorist attacks in Durban. It often comes from Islamic terrorists, but internal conflicts can also occur. Study the political situation in the country before your trip here.

Frequent fraud in Durban - when fraudsters pretend to be government officials and extort fines for any violations. Check the documents of such scammers; this usually scares them away.

Women traveling alone in Durban should avoid late-night walks and be very discreet on the city streets. However, it is better to travel in general with the company and not alone.
How Safe Is Durban for Tourists?
Durban is not a safe city.
The crime index here is at a high level.
The main problems are related to robberies, armed attacks, and robberies.
Travelers are not advised to be alone in the beach area.
Although police often patrol the beach strip, there are CCTV cameras and lighting at night.
Avoid dark, deserted places, and don’t go outside early in the morning.
You can safely walk along the embankment, but do not go out onto the hotels’ side and country roads.
It is best to avoid walking alone at night.
Use a taxi to get to your hotel and use only licensed taxi services.
The harbor area is fairly safe, as are the shopping malls and higher residential areas.
Avoid disadvantaged areas where the crime rate is always higher, and prostitution is developed.
Street children can be a problem, and it is best to stay away from them.
They often extort money or steal from you without being noticed.
As elsewhere, you should be very careful, and when walking around the city, it is better to have a local guide.
Thus, you will secure your stay here as a tourist and avoid dangerous areas.
Do I Need a Visa to Visit Durban?
Visitors to South Africa must obtain a visa from one of the South African diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa-exempt countries, in which case they get what is called a “Port of Entry Visa.” Visitors who require a visa must apply in person and provide biometric data.
Which Currency Is Used in Durban?
The rand is the official currency of South Africa. It is subdivided into 100 cents.
How's the Weather like in Durban?
In Durban, the summers are warm, oppressive, and wet; the winters are long and comfortable, and it is windy and mostly clear year-round. The months between June and August constitute an ideal time to visit Durban.
What Do I Need to Know about Airports in Durban?
Durban International Airport was the international airport of Durban from 1951 until 2010 when it was replaced by King Shaka International Airport, 60 kilometers to the north. The airport is co-located with AFB Durban.
Should I Get Travel Insurance for My Travels?
A travel insurance policy is a must when visiting a foreign country or city. Make sure you got it before starting your journey; the customs officer may ask for it.
What Are Some Things to Do in Durban?
Durban, a coastal city in eastern South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province, is known for its African, Indian and colonial influences. Refurbished for soccer’s 2010 World Cup, the seafront promenade runs from uShaka Marine World, a huge theme park with an aquarium, to the futuristic Moses Mabhida Stadium. The Durban Botanical Gardens showcases African plant species.
Is the Water in Durban Safe to Drink?
Tap water is safe to drink but sometimes tastes bad.
Is Uber Safe in Durban?
There is an Uber taxi in the city; you can call a taxi from your smartphone application. The fare will depend on the time of day, and the distance traveled.